New update now lets you transfer screenshots to your phone from the Nintendo Switch


Transferring screenshots and gameplay videos from a Nintendo Switch to other devices has always been a hassle, but Nintendo is changing that with the latest update 11.0.0 version. With the new update, you are now allowed to share any pictures and videos from your Switch to your smartphone and PC. Here's how to do it.

If you own a Switch, you should know that the button on the left joy-con below the arrow buttons is the screenshot button. All screenshots are saved into your Album so just head over there and select which one you would like to transfer (of course, update your system first). Just follow the steps and use your phone to scan the QR code for the screenshots transfer and then you'll be set.


The transferred screenshots should appear on your mobile web browser like this

Moreover, you can also connect your Switch to a computer with a compatible USB cable to transfer screenshots and gameplay videos as well. You will have to set the system settings first before doing that, just head over the to settings -> data management -> manage screenshots and videos -> copy to a computer via USB connection. Other updates include Nintendo Switch Online added on the HOME menu, as well as allowing Switch Online members to automatically download backed-up save data cloud onto another system.

There are other updates as well so make sure you read them up on your Switch console. Have fun and stay tuned for more trending tech news at