Example of a smart ring by ZDY
Last week, OPPO caught the eyes of many with its new OPPO Air Glass. The monocle smart glass is one of the company's latest forays into AR. But OPPO is working on more new smart devices, one of which seems to be a smart ring.
According to ITHome, OPPO was recently granted a patent for a smart ring. Specifically, it's for a "smart ring and wearable device with ring and glasses". From the description, it sounds like this smart ring can sync with the OPPO Air Glass and provide some extra functionality.
The patent is for a smart ring + smart glass combination
It could also be an alternate interface to control the smart glass via gestures. Mind you, the smart ring isn't a brand new concept. Oura and Motiv are two companies that have developed such a product. It's also useful because a smart ring is more comfortable to wear to bed compared to a smartwatch, which tends to be bulkier.
What else does OPPO plan to do with this smart ring, and will it be available in Malaysia? It'll be a long time before OPPO is ready to launch this. But we'll keep an eye out for any updates, so do stay tuned to TechNave for further news.