POCO India has officially posted on their Twitter account, stating that the POCO X2 expected to be unveiled on 4 February 2020 in India. It seems that the aforementioned smartphone is expected to come equipped with up to a 120Hz refresh-rate display, vapour chamber cooler, Snapdragon chipset and more.
Not only that, but it seems that it might come with a quad-camera setup in the rear as well as a dual front-facing selfie camera. With all that said, there is no official information with terms of the Malaysia release date, complete tech specs and local pricing for the POCO X2 for now.
An Xperience that will make you go, "Bruh, it's #SmoothAF". #POCOX2 is arriving on Feb 4th 2020.
— POCO India (@IndiaPOCO) January 27, 2020
Want to know if your smartphone is Smooth AF? Visit now: https://t.co/LQqSvTpgLz pic.twitter.com/BB5RFQ8lVO
Would you be interested in getting the smartphone as soon as it is available in Malaysia? Let us know on our Facebook page and for more updates like this stay tuned to TechNave.com.