I'm sure some of you have received spam messages from unknown phone numbers. Over the weekend, the Cyber Crime Alert Royal Malaysia Police announced that there's a fake Touch 'n Go (TnG) website phishing scam going on.
According to the report, the fake TnG phishing scam would appear in your SMS notifications as usual. In the SMS, the scammer would inform you that your money has been credited into your TnG eWallet account and provide a fake website. The fake website would ask for your telephone number and TnG eWallet number pin so they can enter and steal your money.
As a general rule of thumb, official companies will never ever ask for your number and pin number. That said, they are also not allowed to send an SMS through their personal number or email. So never click on any link(s) received from an unknown number, always access your eWallet account from a valid app and check the SMS received with the relevant party.
Besides TnG, some scammers would claim to be from TikTok, Lazada, Shopee, and others. Very often, they offer quick incentives to work from home and earn cash daily which is obviously too good to be true. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and do stay tuned for more trending tech news at TechNave.com.