PSA: New wave of scams masquerading as TM have been surfacing online


As netizens, we always have to be careful of the things we can run into online. Things like scams SMS messages and phishing emails are so common these days, so it's useful to get some warning when a new wave of scams has been found. What's more, this one is a bit more local too.

Telekom Malaysia (TM) has put out another alert on Facebook about a new wave of Internet scams pretending to be from TM. A slew of fake emails and SMS messages have been appearing lately, with one even going so far as to claim to be from the TM Group's CEO. There's even one that would claim that you have won an Apple device but asks you for your personal info for verification.

Rule of thumb: Any email or messages that ask you for your IC, address, etc is probably a scam. If you're not sure, you can always call the official TM hotline, or talk to a TM staff via live web chat for clarification. Another thing to remember is that you should never share any of these messages before you verify them.

If you want to know more about the new scams so you can identify them, visit this page. With that said, have you encountered any of these scams lately? Let us know more about examples you've seen in the comments and stay tuned to TechNave for more news.