Qualcomm launches Snapdragon 732G chipset with improved speeds over Snapdragon 730G


It feels that Qualcomm has been launching several sub-variants for its Snapdragon chipsets this year. While the flagship Snapdragon 865+ is expected, Qualcomm also announced a variant of the Snapdragon 730 chipset yesterday - the Snapdragon 732G chipset.

According to Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 732G chipset is an upgrade over the Snapdragon 730G chipset, which in itself is an upgrade of the Snapdragon 730 chipset. Compared to the latter, the Snapdragon 732G's Kryo 470 CPUs run on a higher 2.3GHz in CPU clock speed and delivers an estimated 15% improvement in graphics rendering. The first phone to feature this chipset will most likely be the POCO X3 NFC that will launch on 7 September 2020.


In terms of features, it will come with selected Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite Gaming features to improve the performance of games. This includes the Jank Reducer to reducer stutters, True HDR support, and anti-cheat extensions. You can find out more about the Snapdragon Elite Gaming features here.

Since this chipset is going to be available in a new device that will launch next week, we'll be able to find out how well it performs soon enough. With that said, would you be interested in the POCO X3 NFC and its new chipset? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave.com for more news.