Rian Johnson unveiled that movie villains aren't allowed to use an Apple iPhone on screen


So here's an interesting fun fact - Did you know that villains in movies aren't allowed to hold an iPhone? While that might sound bizarre but it's true. This came out of the hat from Rian Johnson, the director of Knives Out in his "break down scene" with Vanity Fair.

At the 2.55 minute mark of the video, Johnson was a bit neglected at first but he decided to let out a secret between Apple and movie directors. He said "Another funny thing … I don’t know if I should say this or not, haha! … It’s very interesting. Apple, they let you use iPhones in movies, but — and this is very pivotal, if you’re ever watching a mystery movie — bad guys cannot have iPhones on camera.”

Wow, that's a pretty big revelation but I suppose it does make sense. Apple is one of the biggest brands in the world so they would want to portray their devices under the good light for the sake of reputation. With this fun trivia, I guess you ought to pay more attention to the little details in movies now to see who is the bad guy (lol).

“Every single filmmaker who has a bad guy in their movie that’s supposed to be a secret wants to murder me right now,” said Johnson. Well, who knows, Johnson, you might want to watch your back. Stay tuned for more fun tech news at TechNave.com!