Recent rumours and leaks have shown that Apple's next iPad 5 may be going for a thinner and lighter look and feel. This may have been confirmed with last week's news about the narrower front panel bezel but it didn't really explain how Apple would make the iPad 5 thinner and lighter than the already quite thin and light Apple iPad 4. One rumour circling about today is that they will be using screens that use smaller LEDS.
A screen technology that uses a smaller LEDs in particular is Sharp's new IGZO screen technology. The fact that Sharp's IGZO screens were also quite recently linked to Apple is also indicative that we may see them in use for Apple's iPad 5. According to Sharp, the IGZO provides energy savings of 80% or more compared to existing screens, allowing an IGZO enabled iPad 5 to last even longer. Unfortunately, there is as of yet no information as to when the Apple iPad 5 would be released.