All eyes are on Samsung to deliver a better smartwatch than the ones already in the market, especially as Apple is having problems with the iWatch. Quite a lot of rumoured tech specs have been circulating recently for the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch which includes:
- 1.5GHz dual-core Samsung Exynos 5412 processor / 1.5Ghz dual-core Exynos 4212 processor
- 1.67-inch AMOLED display (320 x 320 pixels) / 2.5-inch OLED display (320 x 320 pixels) / 3.5-inch display
- 2MP Camera
- Supports Bluetooth 4.0 LE + NFC + speaker + mic
- Android 4.1 / Android 4.2
According to some sources teeny-tiny speakers will be built into the watch strap along with a mic and two physical buttons. Since OLED screens can be flexible the addition of a speaker and mic indicate that 1) it could be a flexible smartwatch like the patent shows and 2) it could perhaps have call/phone capability as well. Seemingly supporting this is a very cool concept video of the Samsung Galaxy Gear that recently popped up which guesses that you could input text through S Voice. Check it out below: