New rumours about when the Samsung Galaxy S5 could be revealed have surfaced, this time around from Eldar Murtazin from Mobile Review. According to a recent tweet, he says we could see the smartphone come on 23 February at 6pm in Barcelona with a launch expected at end of April. According to the tweet, tech specs will be the same as previously rumoured which includes a 5.2-inch 2K display with 2560 x 1440 pixel resolution, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 chipset or the latest Samsung Exynos, 3GB of RAM, a 16MP rear camera, fingerprint sensor and 3000 mAh battery. He also says that a new TouchWiz interface will also come with the smartphone. While Eldar Murtazin has been wrong before (the death of Tizen, etc), he was fairly accurate about the Samsung Galaxy S4 launch date previously. As always do take this rumour with a pinch of salt, because they are still rumours or at least until Samsung start sending out the Unpacked event invites.
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Apr 09, 2014
The more tests the better, especially if it is something as subjective as battery life, which is why we've got this battery life test for the Samsung Galaxy S5. Covering Talk time, Web Browsing and Video playback, the Galaxy S5 does surprisingly well despite having a much brighter screen than before. This includes continuous talk time of more than 21 hours with 3G enabled along with 9 hours and 36 minutes of web browsing. In terms of battery tech specs, the Galaxy S5 does have a slightly larger 2800 mAh battery resulting in video playback of 11 hours. If you really need to save battery life Samsung have included many power saving features like the Ultra Power Saving mode, which basically turns your Galaxy S5 into an e-ink smartphone with little to no connectivity. Check out the graphs for yourself in this article.
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Apr 02, 2014
The Samsung Galaxy S5 upped the battery to 2800 mAh from 2600 mAh but also added on a whole bunch of upgraded tech specs and hardware as well. Many have been wondering how that would affect battery life for Samsung's latest smartphone. Thankfully, battery life benchmarks have been done with some pretty good results. While it doesn't take the top spot in all categories, it does offer more than 7 hours of continuous usage along with 10 hours of just browsing. Check out the other benchmark results for yourself in this article.
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