Rumours: Sony patents something interesting – a contact lens camera


Is this the thing that will change imaging forever? Sony recently filed a patent for an intriguing new device that can revolutionize how you take your photos forever in the future. The contact lens camera puts all the inner workings of a camera – lens, sensor, storage – into a working unit that is small enough that you can put it on your eyes directly!


The patent reveals that the system will support wireless transfer capabilities, image stabilization and even zoom capabilities in something the size of your daily contact lens. The question is how would one control this camera? The patent suggest that you can just simply blink, and it will capture the photo for you.

While the patent is filed, we at Technave think that such advancements in imaging technology is still a decade or two away from being realised into a consumer product. Plus, the legal ramifications notwithstanding, there will be drawbacks for the first generation product in terms of image quality, power and performance. Also, taking selfies with friends will now involve a mirror – that is not a fun scenario!
