Several leaked hands-on images of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus, has been spotted on featuring a vertical camera setup as well as an Infinity-O display notch. Based on what we can see from the images, it appears that the device is able to boot into the Android operating system. Unfortunately, it is not known whether the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 10 series will come with Android Q pre-installed when it is unveiled on 7 August 2019.
Based on what we know so far, the new series is expected to ship with the new Sound On Display technology which projects sound through the display instead of an earpiece. As for the tech specs, we can expect the devices to come with Samsung’s very own Exynos 9820 chipset and probably up to 10GB of RAM.
That being said, do take every bit of information with a grain of salt as there was no official news by Samsung on the subject. Also, not much is known regarding the pricing and Malaysia release date details as well. What do you think about the placement of the Infinity-O notch? Let us know on our Facebook page and for more updates like this, stay tuned to