Samsung Galaxy Q Preview


Samsung's one of the most interesting Android manufacturers, and the Samsung Galaxy Q could be one of its most interesting products yet: if the rumours are correct, this year's IFA 2011 will see a "tabphone" that's half tablet, half phone.

Samsung Galaxy Q: Screen

Details are thin on the ground, but we're hearing from Yahoo Korea that the Galaxy Q specifications will include a 5.3-inch Super AMOLED screen. That would make it around an inch larger than existing Galaxy handsets, which is worryingly close to Stupidly Large territory.

Samsung Galaxy Q: Design

Dell has been here already with the Dell Streak 5, but few other firms seem to think five-inchers are the way forward. Samsung, however, argues that for some people the smartphone is the ideal format and tablets are just too big; the Galaxy Q, it says, will be the ideal stepping stone between PC and mobile phone.

Samsung Galaxy Q: Processor

It'll have a dual core processor and a slimline form factor too. That's not something you're likely to lose your shirt betting on.

Samsung Galaxy Q: Network

It's unclear whether the 3G support will be for data only or for voice too, but the Samsung Galaxy Q hardware, we're told, includes a 3G radio. US customers will get 4G support too.

Samsung Galaxy Q: OS

Of course it will be: all of Samsung's other interesting kit is Android powered. We don't know which version the Samsung Galaxy Q OS will be, however: will it go the smartphone route with Gingerbread or the tablet route with Honeycomb? Depending on the release date it could even be Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich.

Samsung Galaxy Q T589R Specs & Price >