Samsung Gaming Insight Study: 7 in 10 online consumers in SEAO are gamers


Yes, of all the data, you don't see this kind of study every day, particularly from Samsung. According to the company, its findings from the Southeast Asia and Oceania (SEAO) Gaming Insight Study found that 7 in 10 online consumers in the region are gamers.

Conducted in partnership with ONE Esports, over 6800 consumers aged 18 to 49 across seven markets (Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) were surveyed in the last quarter of 2022. In Malaysia's case, 94% of gamers like to play at home, with an average of 7 hours a week, and 75% of them play games to de-stress and relax.


Moreover, 51% of gamers spend an average of $30 (~RM135) on gaming-related purchases. This includes exclusive online content, eSports tournament tickets, streamer subscriptions, skins and merchandise collectables. The study also The study identified four distinct gamer personalities among gaming fans in Malaysia – Hardcore Gamers, Gaming Enthusiasts, Casual Gamers and Spectators.

In case you're wondering, over 6800 consumers aged 18 to 49 across seven markets (Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) were surveyed in the last quarter of 2022. This study shows that there's a huge market of gaming enthusiasts and hardcore esports fans in the SEAO region.

With that, we think this explains why a few phone brands are releasing a bunch of mobile gaming products. But what do you think? Let us know in the comments below if you are a gamer and do stay tuned for more trending tech news at