Samsung has announced the release of three new limited edition Galaxy Straps based on popular Malaysian brands. Available on the Samsung Malaysia Online Store and free with every purchase of the Galaxy Cover with Strap, the straps are made in collaboration with Mamee Monster, Inside Scoop and airasia.
In a statement today, Samsung said that the company alongside the three local brands are embracing openness and striving to go beyond the ordinary with the collaboration. If you’re a fan of the designs, make sure to grab them ASAP as they’re only available from now until 30 June 2022.
The Galaxy Straps themselves are part of Samsung’s initiative to create a product that is sustainable yet stylish at the same time. Moreover, the designs are definitely fun and unique, especially if you’re a fan of Mamee Monster, Inside Scoop or airasia.
For more information on the limited edition Galaxy Straps, do visit Samsung’s official website here. As always, make sure to stay tuned to TechNave for more tech news from Malaysia and beyond!