Samsung turns the next foldable smartphone into vertical!


Since the launch of the Galaxy Fold, Samsung has started to tease about the company’s next foldable device! Recently at its annual Developer Conference, Samsung has previewed a vertical folding device.

Samsung's official Twitter posted a demo video showing the device, playing a cooking show on the full vertical screen and can be bend into 90 degrees becoming like a stand. Although there’s a demo video for it, Samsung just mentioned it was still at an “exploring” state which is not a prototype yet.


Foldables has become a hit, Is Samsung trying to go back to the classic flip design with a twist? Since some of us still enjoyed slapping down the phone after a call.

Either Way, Samsung may even change their minds about making vertical foldable phones in the future, so do take this with a pinch of salt and stay tuned for more updates like this on!