Sega might reboot Crazy Taxi as one of the titles under Super Game project

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Sega is preparing for something like the Nintendo 64 on the Nintendo Switch Online by presenting all its classic games under one package. The company is reportedly throwing a big budget into rebooting the classic titles through the Super Game project, and one of them might be Crazy Taxi

The company first announced the plan back in early 2021. Besides that, a rebooted Jet Set Radio could also be under development. Although not much was revealed regarding the project, the former PlayStation executive leading the project, Shuji Utsumi, tipped that it would involve a series of AAA titles leveraging cloud gaming. Furthermore, the project has something to do with NFTs as well. 

In the beginning, Sega had mentioned its Silver Age blockbusters, including Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon and Virtua Fighter. Therefore, these titles are what we assume could make it into the final products. However, since the company hasn't announced anything formally, it's still better not to get your hopes high at the moment.

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