Selangor MB: State aims to achieve 80% 5G coverage in industrial areas by end of 2024

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The Selangor State Government has announced that it is confident in achieving 80% 5G coverage in the state’s industrial areas by the end of the year. This is according to a statement by Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari.

As reported by Bernama, Amirudin asserted that as a state with an economy based on industry and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), he would focus specifically on increasing access in the areas utilised by industry players. He also revealed that he has contacted the Exco of Islamic Religious Affairs and State Innovation Culture to find out the extent of 5G access in industrial areas as this network is usually for industrial needs rather than domestic. 

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The Selangor Menteri Besar added that information and efforts will be tabled next week. Furthermore, the State Government will also streamline measures to increase the 5G network coverage in Selangor, especially in industrial areas. 

Amirudin clarified that he was not only looking at increasing the number or percentage of coverage but also at the quality of coverage or connectivity of the 5G network for the industrial purpose of the area. After industrial areas, the State Government will then focus on increasing access and reach of 5G networks in strategic areas and other special needs starting with education areas followed by business or commercial areas.

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