Some popular iOS apps keep crashing and the public is blaming Facebook for it

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Cover image source: PCMag

Technology can't always be working perfectly. Sometimes, there will be some technical issues creeping in to "spice up your life". Currently, several famous iOS apps are crashing down and the source of the problem hasn't been located yet. However, the public is suggesting that Facebook is the one to blame for this issue.

At the moment, apps including TikTok, Spotify, Pinterest, Waze and more are currently broken on iOS devices. Users are reporting that the mentioned apps automatically closed down whenever they're launched. However, it is said that going offline will "solve" the issue. If you want to listen to your offline songs saved on Spotify, this could be the only solution for now.

It is suggested that Facebook has something to do with this is because of its SDK (software development kit). These apps that are crashing use the SDK to manage things like Facebook logins, but users who don't link their Facebook accounts to the apps are facing the issue as well. Until now, Android users have not reported any similar issue, so we guess it might only be happening to iOS users.

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