The next-generation Sony PlayStation VR headset is expected to debut this year. According to the latest report, the headset could enter mass production soon in China. If it were accurate, it would mean that the PSVR 2 is on the right track to meet us.
Hardware analyst Brad Lynch spotted that a respected Chinese supply chain analyst known as 黑毛警长008 (translates to Black Fur Officer) claims that Goertek, a Chinese manufacturer, will be in charge of making PSVR 2 headsets. The same manufacturer could also supply components to Apple for the AR/VR headset.
The headset would probably get more leaks during the production stage. Therefore, Sony could make an official announcement soon before that happens. Previously, the PSVR 2 was suggested to use a new head-mounted display (HMD) that adopts an OLED microdisplay technology to deliver more realistic visuals. Will that feature become one of the highlights of the headset?
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