The Sony PlayStation VR is almost a 6-year-old device after launching in 2016. Back in January, the company had announced the plan for presenting the successor and showcased the design a month later. Although Sony didn't specify anything regarding the official launch date, many have chosen to believe it will sit somewhere this year. However, it might not be true, as someone claims it'll only come in 2023.
Analyst Ross Young is the one who brought the information. Besides that, he didn't mention the reason that caused the delay, or maybe 2023 has always been the original launching time frame. Due to that, the company is expected to get its sales affected by missing the holiday season.
The PSVR 2 is designed with the PlayStation 5 in mind, and they can communicate over a single USB-C cable. The cable will also carry 4K HDR imagery at 90Hz or 120Hz. Furthermore, the headset hardware will bring a wider 110° field of view (up from 100° FoV on the original) and a much sharper image as well, thanks to the two OLED displays with 2,000 x 2,040 px resolution (vs. a single 1,920 x 1,080 px panel). There are also two IR cameras for eye tracking.
Are you excited about the launch of the PSVR 2, even though it's in next year? Leave a comment to let us know your thoughts, and stay tuned to for more tech reports.