Sony recently announced their Sony Xperia XA Ultra, apparently the successor to the Xperia C5 Ultra but with similar Xperia XA design. This includes a rounded metal frame and edge-to-edge display, but with a larger 6-inch screen with full HD 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution. Strangely enough, it packs in a 16MP front camera with LED flash and Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) but does offer OIS for the 21.5MP rear camera. No Malaysia release dates yet but it should start deployment sometime in July.
Here are the Sony Xperia XA Ultra tech specs:
- MediaTek Helio P10 MT6755 processor
- 16GB storage + microSD
- 6-inch display (FHD, 1080 x 1920 pixel resolution)
- 21.5MP rear camera (LED flash) + 16MP front camera (LED flash + OIS)
- Android 6.0 Marshmallow