Spotify is looking into paid live concerts


Spotify has dabbled with events before with Spotify On Stage

As one of the biggest music streaming services, Spotify has a lot of features to keep its large userbase happy. Of course, it also has to make money and premium subscriptions alone aren't enough. As such, the company has been looking into other areas like live events.

According to The Information (via Engadget), Spotify is considering whether to expand into events. Specifically, the company is looking into how it can host ticketed virtual or live concerts. Not only could Spotify earn some revenue through this, but it could also expand on its collaboration with artists around the globe.

It's said that Spotify will be able to help artists plan for concerts in locations where event organisers may choose to ignore. This would be a good way for the company to show its support to music artists. Mind you, it isn't the first time Spotify did events. In May, the company hosted pre-recorded live-stream concerts that you could listen to on Spotify, with tickets priced at USD 15 (~RM62).

Although it lacks the concert atmosphere, which is why people go to concerts, selling tickets to a pre-recorded concert isn't a bad idea. But would you pay to watch a virtual concert, even if it's held live? Share your thoughts in the comments, and stay tuned to TechNave for more news like this.