Spotify is testing a feature that lets you know what your friends are listening to

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Photo courtesy of Dancing Astronaut

Spotify is adding a new feature for the users to engage in more social interactions on the music streaming platform. The feature named 'Community' is a hub for users to see what their friends have been listening to, and it also tells what playlists others recently updated.

According to TechCrunch, the feature is still in the early testing phase. Although the company hasn't officially announced anything yet, it's said that some already have access to it. The iOS users can enter "spotify:community" on the Safari browser to open the page, but it's not functioning.

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The Community's interface has a horizontal carousel of playlists that your friends updated recently on the top. They're coupled with the playlist titles and timestamps denoting when they were last updated. Below it, there's a vertical list of songs your friends are listening to in chronological order. They also feature timestamps that tell you when the listening took place.

It's unsure if Spotify will roll out the feature as it's still in the testing phase. What do you think about such a feature on the platform? Drop a comment to let us know your opinion, and stay tuned to for more tech reports.