Steam provides full support for DualShock and DualSense controllers now - No need to buy new Xbox controllers

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If you happen to have a PlayStation console and a Steam account, this news might please you. Today, Steam announced that it provides full support for all PlayStation controllers. That includes DualShock and DualSense variants. That said, what should you know about it?

For your information, Steam provided partial support for PlayStation joysticks or controllers. Usually, gamers would opt for Xbox controllers due to the full support and for the best playing experience on the platform. Thanks to the new update, you can now use the touchpad better and experience the haptic feedback feature that is available on the DualSense joystick.


According to Steam, there are over 3 billion game sessions that involve a game controller in 2023 alone. Over 60% of Steam users use an Xbox controller and around 27% use a PlayStation joystick. This is 4 times more than the number recorded in 2019, which saw only 19% of PlayStation controllers used in the game sessions.

We have yet to confirm other details on this matter. However, we could expect PlayStation users to be happier about this. After all, who doesn’t appreciate saving more money? Controllers are a lot pricy these days. So, being able to use one controller for two different consoles is amazing news.

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