Steam records new milestone with over 33.6 million concurrent online users

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Valve’s digital game platform and store, Steam reached a new milestone recently after achieving its highest-ever number of users logged in at the same time. Specifically, Steam recorded a whopping 33675229 concurrent users on Sunday (7 January)!

This milestone was shared on X by SteamDB, a hobbyist website which tracks data from Steam for unique milestones and history. The X post also revealed that the previous peak was 33598520 concurrent users on 26 March last year. 

As reported by TechRadar, 10653243 of the users on Sunday were playing a game. Overall, the most popular games on Steam are Counter-Strike 2 despite the bad reviews, Dota 2 and PUBG: Battlegrounds. 

So, were you online on Steam on Sunday and what game were you playing? Share with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.