Tech-gadgets among top desired Valentine's Day gifts according to Lazada Malaysia survey


In just a week, it’s gonna be that time of the year once again, are you having trouble of what to get for your special love ones? Well, Lazada Malaysia has recently ran a survey on Malaysian’s purchasing habits on Valentine’s Day, and perhaps not surprisingly, over 50% of Malaysians will actually spend as low as RM50 on gifts. But that’s not all, check out below what else they found out!

A survey done by a majority of middle income earners aged between 26 to 40 years old, here are four fun facts of how Malaysians plan their Valentine’s Day!

  1. Frugality Is The New Thing

As mentioned earlier, more than 50% of them are willing to spend from RM50 to RM200 on gifts for their loved ones, while only less than 20% are prepared to splurge and spend above RM200. With the economy going on this year, we are guessing it shows that Malaysians just know how to get around being low budget or try to do something meaningful instead of buying.

  1. We Are A Generation of Techies

Coming in second place, over 40% actually prefers to receive tech-gadgets (smartphones *coughs*) instead of the traditional flowers and chocolates. On the other hand, 35% of the respondents wants fashion items, intriguing.  

  1. Love Is In The Online Space

Moving on, it’s quite interesting to note that more than 40% are swayed by online advertisements before buying any gifts. This also means that many of us will spend our time researching online on what to do or get for Valentine’s Day. Who knew online advertisements can be that effective?

  1. Malaysians Are Last MinuteShoppers

Lastly, as staying true to the Malaysian spirit, more than 50% are last minute shoppers! Within a week before Valentine’s Day, we shoppers will scramble to search for gifts due to our busy lifestyles and 15% would actually purchase the gifts on the day itself! I guess aside from “What do you want to eat?”, we do the same for Valentine’s Day as the “no-idea” attitude (lol).

That being said, Lazada Malaysia has already started their Valentine’s Day sales now until 14 February 2017. So do drop by and check out their discounted prices of up to 80%! If you happen to be in the singles club, you can also pamper yourself or give a gift to your fellow single friends with a unique  and fun gifts such as ‘Grow Your Own Boyfriend’ and OH Boyfriend Arm Funny Soft Cushion, they look really comfy.

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