Teo Nie Ching: MCMC should conduct comprehensive engagement sessions before implementing DNS redirection

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Deputy Minister of Communications Teo Nie Ching today asserted that efforts by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) should’ve been more extensive on the DNS redirection implementation. Teo stressed that MCCM should’ve double or even triple their engagements, especially involving the tech community. 

According to Bernama, the Deputy Minister said that in this issue, there are a lot more experts who would like to share their experience with us and I welcome them. Hence, no timeline has been set for MCMC engagement sessions to not rush into a decision.

Teo added that her Ministry wants MCMC to conduct proper, comprehensive engagement, even if would take 3 months. She stressed that it’s very important for the nation and the tech community to understand the intention and consequences. 

So, what are your thoughts on Teo’s statement? Comment down below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.