The Olympic 2024 opening ceremony video “mysteriously disappears” from the official YouTube channel

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Have you watched the video of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics? If you haven't, it's better not to watch it because most of those who watch the video clearly state that it is the worst Olympic opening event in history or any sports opening event in the world. According to YouTube, the video was so infamous that it has been taken down. So, what should you know about it?

For your information, the video of the event has "mysteriously" "disappeared" from the official Olympics YouTube account. The opening video titled LET THE GAMES BEGIN! is now unavailable on the official channel. Interestingly, previous Olympic opening videos are still available on the account. Despite being heavily criticised, the President of Paris 2024, Tony Estanguet has defended the event, saying:

"It's a French ritual for a French game - so we trust our artistic director."

If you are still keen on watching the video, you might find it on other social media platforms. Our advice? You might want to stay away from it. Unless satire is your cup of tea.

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