For years, Samsung devices either came with a Snapdragon or Exynos chipset. In fact, the company's Galaxy Tab series has almost exclusively been Snapdragon-only. But that could change with this year's Galaxy Tab S10 series.
According to a Geekbench record, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S10+ (SM-X828U) packs a MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ chipset. For reference, the Galaxy Tab Plus models have always featured a Snapdragon 8 series chipset. However, the Dimensity 9300+ is more of an upper mid-range chipset, and has appeared in more affordable devices.
Does this mean Samsung plans to make the Galaxy Tab S10+ a more affordable model? Well, we think this is possible. Nowadays, some mid-range chipsets are powerful enough to run almost any app you can think of. As such, 'downgrading' to the Dimensity 9300+ chipset wouldn't significantly impact the user experience of the Galaxy Tab S10+. And if that ends up making it a much more affordable device, why not, right?
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