The render of Spotify's car player 'Car Thing' is found in the app's code

Spotify Car Thing cover EDITED.jpg

The rumour of Spotify working on a car player has appeared ages ago. Now, someone has found out the render of the car player which is dubbed 'Car Thing' from the code hidden within the Spotify app. It is said that the current render is showing several huge differences compared to what we have seen earlier.

Spotify's Car Thing has now become a rectangular device rather than a round one which was leaked previously. Other than that, it also has a screen that is surrounded by thin bezels with slightly round corners. There's also a large knob at the side of the device which appears to be for the primary navigation through the interface by probably allowing users to switch between songs. 


On the top of the device, there are five buttons and they're said to be for the basic controls such as play/pause and skip. The source mentions that it is a good idea by placing physical buttons for such controls as users can use muscle memory to locate the buttons while on the road. For now, it is still unsure when Spotify will start to make hardware by releasing this car player.

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