This Apple Watch saved a couple’s life - This is how the device did it

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If you have an Apple Watch, you should take good care of it. Recently, the Apple Watch saved a couple’s life. So, what should you know about it?

For your information, the Apple Watch features an atrial fibrillation detection function. This feature was added to the device several years ago. According to Apple, Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a type of irregular heart rhythm where the heart's upper chambers beat out of sync with the lower chambers.

CDC reported that approximately 2% of people younger than 65 years old and 9% of people 65 and older have AFib. However, the opposite happened to Ellen and Jeff Priest. According to the couple, Jeff never experienced any illness or heart-related discomfort. But, the device had other ideas:

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Thanks to the watch, Jeff was able to get early treatment for the illness. That makes his heart condition manageable and stays regulated safely. Interestingly, he was also able to monitor his heart condition without being further warded via his Apple Watch.

Over the years, the watch has built a solid reputation for detecting AFib patients with no symptoms. Jeff was not the only person to have benefitted from this device, and we could expect that he wouldn’t be the last.


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