This is why you shouldn't use a generic USB-C charger for your Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max


If you are considering using or already using a generic USB-C charger for your Apple iPhone, this news might change your mind. Recently, an unlucky Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max user found the USB-C port melted a generic USB-C cable. That said, what should you know about it?

According to Redditor Noisily Marvellous, the image shows a melted USB-C charging cable sticking out of a phone. According to the user, this is what went down:

“I knew the iPhone 15 Pro Max gets hot, but a month into use mine got so hot while charging overnight that it left a burn on my finger.

When I took the charger off, it melted some of the plastic, left burn marks on the body and stuck the metal part of the USB-C port into the phone.

How can I remove this? Also, is this a problem with the phone, the charging cable or the plug? I have had Optimised Charging switched on.

I don’t have AppleCare, is this something Apple will fix?"

If you skimmed through the comments, you can find out what caused this issue. The Redditor said they had a travel adapter and a “generic” USB-C cable from Amazon. Other Redditors also blamed the owner for using a cheap cable instead of getting the original.

In another update, the owner said they were able to pull the melted plug from the USB-C port. But the entire inside is blackened. Ultimately, the charging port is broken. So, if you are using a generic USB-C cable for your iPhone Pro Max, you might want to change to the original or authorized cables. You know what they say, better late than never.


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