This product from eBay can unlock almost any smartphone for less than ~RM210


Privacy is such an important aspect especially when it comes to purchasing a smartphone. Obviously, you would want to own a device that can not only keep your personal data safe and secure, especially while surfing the internet.  While many of the manufacturers today bragged about secured their phones are, there seems to be a product circulating on eBay that can unlock almost any Android and iOS devices from 50USD(~RM417) onwards

Originally these products that were manufactured by Cellebrite costs upwards of 6000USD(~RM25055), and their main clients are usually law enforcement, forensic bodies, and so on.

Based on what have reported, it seems that the smartphone cracking device is capable of unlocking any device that is running on iOS 7 until iOS 12.3, Samsung Galaxy S6  to Galaxy S9 as well as several other devices from manufacturers such as Huawei, LG, Motorola, as well as Xiaomi. It is very scary to think that for something that costs less than RM300, you can easily access someone else’s personal data without them needing to unlock their smartphone. For more updates like this, stay tuned to