Three 5G transmitter towers got burned down because of a COVID-19 related conspiracy theory


So this just happened over the weekend, at least three 5G transmitter towers got burned down in the United Kingdom. But why and what happened? Well, apparently some idiots actually believed that the 5G radio waves were causing the COVID-19 spreading around. We never knew such conspiracy theory existed!

Like you, a smart reader reading this, the UK authorities also think this conspiracy theory is just plain ridiculous and have condemned the action caused by the vandalists. In fact, National Health Service (NHS) director, Stephen Powis (haha, police, GET IT?) was just as surprised as we are to hear this conspiracy theory. With this, the action would probably affect the medical frontliners more than the virus itself in terms of communication.

According to the theory, it's said that 5G weakens the immune system and this allows the COVID-19 virus to enter your body easily. Honestly, it doesn't take a rocket scientist that the 5G radio waves and the transmission of the virus are not related. If that was really the case, countries that aren't equipped with 5G such as Iran and Japan wouldn't even face this problem.

So ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when people spread fake news and rumours around without checking facts. This is actually pretty funny, but the fact that some people believe this is disturbing. Let us educate ourselves and be more responsible for playing our roles on our social media platforms. Stay tuned for more trending tech news at