Touch ’n Go eWallet introduces a new “SOS Balance” feature for users with insufficient balances to get through tolls

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Touch ’n Go eWallet recently unveiled a new feature called “SOS Balance”, which ensures users never get stuck at critical moments due to insufficient eWallet balance. Currently available for toll payments at certain highways only, the feature will cover essential payments on users’ behalf. 

According to its official website, users only need to reload their eWallet balance within 24 hours and any outstanding SOS Balance will be automatically deducted. Furthermore, more services will be added to SOS Balance soon, making this feature even more rewarding and convenient.

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As of the time of writing, the SOS Balance feature is only available exclusively for Touch ’n Go eWallet’s most loyal users. Fret not though, as the company said that to increase your chances of eligibility, you just need to consistently demonstrate the following:

  • Clearing all outstanding payments promptly
  • Add money frequently to your eWallet
  • Actively using their eWallet for transactions

The list of eligible highways for the SOS Balance feature is available at Touch ’n Go eWallet’s official website here, where you can also find out more about the feature. As always, stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news.