Twitter is reportedly adding a new feature into its mobile app that allows users to get notifications when there are new tweets that match a particular search term. Called ‘Search Subscribe’, the new feature was found inside the latest version of Twitter Alpha.
Shared by Android developer Dylan Roussel on his Twitter account, the feature is not yet live in the app today but as it’s baked inside of Twitter Alpha, it’s possible that the platform is planning to introduce it soon. Furthermore, the feature may also be a paid premium exclusive, though no announcement has been made just yet by the company.
This ‘Search Subscribe’ feature is especially useful for Public Relations professionals who needs to keep track about what people in the Twitter-verse are saying about their clients or brands. In a preview of the new feature, Roussel shared how there’s a a bell icon next to the search bar in the Twitter mobile app.
Upon tapping the bell icon, users will get a popup saying that “you’re subscribed to receive notifications for Tweets about” what you searched for. However, as the feature is still currently in the works, Roussel was unable to get notifications from ‘Search Subscribe’ just yet, hence we won’t know how it would look like currently.
Nevertheless, this is a pretty intriguing new feature being crafted by Twitter. Google already has something similar (and it's free to use!), whereby you can get alerts and e-mail notifications when a certain term can be found in new Google Search results.
What do you guys think of this potential new feature by Twitter? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for the latest trending tech news!