Warcraft III: Reforged released and now available to download


Today, the long-awaited remake of Warcraft III: Reforged has been officially released on the Battle.net platform. For those who don't know, this bad boy has been one of the fan favourites of Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games and you can purchase it for just $29.99 which is roughly around ~RM122.38.

Story-wise, it should follow the same one such as the Burning Legion's arrival, Arthas turning into the Lich King and more with upgraded looks on the units, heroes and buildings. For your information, this remake will include both the Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. According to the official website, the cutscenes have been reshot as well with updated voice-overs so that's really exciting. 

The World Editor is also included so that means map makers will be able to create and customize a ton of mod games. Be it tower defence, RPGs, survival games, or maybe even Dota (lol), even the multiplayer matchmaking will return as well for veterans. If you like, you can also purchase the Spoils of War edition and receive some cool hero skins for multiplayer, as well as a World of Warcraft: Meat Wagon Mount and digital goodies for several Blizzard games. 

The minimum requirements for Warcraft III Reforged is at least Windows 7, Intel Core i3-530 or AMD Athlon Phenom II X4 910, NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 or AMD Radeon HD 5750, 4GB of RAM, 30GB HD Space and 800 x 600 minimum display resolution. For more information, you may visit the website here for the recommended specs.

For the Lick King! Good luck, have fun and stay tuned for more gaming news at TechNave.com.