If you frequently use WhatsApp, this news might surprise you. Recent leaks say the Meta messaging app could feature two new features soon. That said, what should you know about it?
According to Android Authority, the latest leaks show the app could have an In-App Dialler and a new Hidden Group community. Based on Android's WhatsApp beta version, the In-App Dialler might allow you to call unsaved contacts by straightaway dialling a phone number. Reportedly, WhatsApp might enable you to start chats with unsaved contacts.
In addition, if the leaks are true, this would be a welcomed addition because you will no longer have to make cellular calls to the unknown number. This way, you can preserve your privacy and avoid saving the stranger’s contact. On the other hand, the Hidden Community Group will keep a group hidden from the public. We have yet to confirm other details on this matter. Currently, only community admins can find and remove the group from the community.
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