In the new update, WhatsApp will start to require users to unlock with biometrics when using WhatsApp Web. The new feature is said to add extra security to the web version of the chat platform. Other than that, it is also stated that WhatsApp won't be getting the data of your fingerprint and face.
From now on, users who want to connect their devices with WhatsApp Web will need to go through a pre-biometric authentication after scanning the QR code. The feature will be coming to both iOS and Android users. It is also said that the feature is enabled by default. To disable it, users will have to disable the biometric authentication in the smartphone's setting.
Today we’re starting to roll out a new security feature for WhatsApp Web and Desktop: face and fingerprint unlock when linking devices.
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) January 28, 2021
WhatsApp does not see your face or fingerprint data.
Chats for your only
WhatsApp has faced backlashes for its privacy policy update earlier as it was accused of sharing users' data with Facebook. However, the chat platform has later claimed that the new privacy policy does not allow them to retrieve users' private messages nor share them with other platforms. Therefore, is releasing a new security feature the way for WhatsApp to tell users that they value users' data?
Let us know what you think about this new feature on our Facebook page. Stay tuned to for more updates on apps' new features.