When is too much innovation is too much? Say hello to the Samsung Surfboard


There are many times where innovation is a word we love to use for great ideas and technological leaps. However the latest product coming out from Samsung is something that we may think have pushed the boundaries a wee bit too far. The new Samsung Surfboard combines your smartphone, with a surfboard.  


The surfboard has a secret compartment for the Samsung Galaxy S7 which serves as the brain. It is  also fitted with LEDs that show the surfer messages, tweets from his fans, tips from his coach as well as weather conditions – for the surfer to check in the middle of the ocean.  

While we applaud new design and technology, this may just be one time that it is a waste to spend R&D on products like this. So far there are no news on availability. Will we see a Samsung Wau? Or perhaps a Samsung Fan? Who knows.  
