You can now get pronunciation lessons from Google

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Have you ever mispronounced a word in front of others and felt embarrassed about it? This new Google feature is here to help you with that problem! Now, if you have a hard time pronouncing a word, you can just google ‘How to pronounce (the word)?’ and you’ll get the correct pronunciation right from Google.

With this feature, you don’t have to scroll that YouTube video again and again (ha, you know what I’m saying!) to get the correct pronunciation. We don’t know where did Google get these pronunciations from, is it from an Academic English Dictionary or just from employees at Google (just kidding)? 

No matter what, searching for pronunciations of words has never been this easy. There is also another feature in which you can speak the word again for Google to correct you if your device supports Google Assistant.

The feature is now only available in American English, not the British version we follow. It will also release Spanish later as well to support the feature. Let us know what you think about this feature from Google on our Facebook page! Stay tuned for more new updates from Google on