You could buy a 4.5 meter ARCHAX giant robot that is definitely not like a Gundam soon for ~RM14151000


Tsubame Industries may soon be selling a 4.5-meter tall giant robot for $3 million USD (~RM14151000). The robot has four legs with wheels on them, can be piloted from the inside and has five fingered hands. The company plans to make 5 of them for those big spenders out there but haven’t provided any Japan release dates, much less Malaysia release dates.

For those who keep track of tech like this, one can’t help but notice the similarities between the ARCHAX robot and the Suidobashi Heavy Industries KURATAS robot which also had wheeled legs and an upper body that looks almost identical. Previously launched in 2012 for 1.35 million USD (~RM6367950) and involved in a giant mech battle with another giant robot from the US, it apparently didn’t even start mass production. To be honest, we'd say neither robot looks like a Gundam though.

Given that rich people have spent a lot more for a lot less, this could be something else you could spend your millions on. With just 5 units in the world, it’s definitely more exclusive than many other luxury vehicles or gadgets. If you had the money, would you buy this? At least it might not overheat, but what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned to