You may soon be able to use your Android phone as a car dashcam


These days it seems unthinkable not to have your phone with you all the time, even more so when you’re driving. However, it looks like Google may soon let you turn your Android phone (Pixels first) into a dashcam for your car via the Personal Safety update. 

According to 9to5Google who sideloaded the Personal Safety update, certain phones like the Google Pixel will have features like Emergency Sharing, Safety Check and Car Crash Detection. They then enabled “Dashcam” which basically allows you to record video while driving. While the Dashcam is running, the phone can still be used so if you usually use Google Maps, then you can breathe a sigh of relief.


While this might be a feature that some people could enjoy, we expect that this could cause some overheating issues, especially since many windscreen mounted phones are exposed to the sun. It’s also not very useful for recording when you’re not around since this means you have to leave your phone in the car. 

Alternatively, you could put this on a spare phone, making a usecase for your older Android devices but also making your car a bigger target for thieves. What do you think? Would you turn your phone into a dashcam for your car? Share your thoughts in the comments and stay tuned to

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