YouTube Music launches Listening Room, receives positive response


If you are a music lover, you know that music streaming platforms offer you more if you subscribe to them. Unfortunately, YouTube Music isn't that great when it comes to features. With that in mind, the company has a new program to curate feedback.

Recently, YouTube opened up for registration to a new Listening Room program. It aims to select a group of beta users who would be given early access to new features. Moreover, they get to join an exclusive Discord server that includes the YouTube Music product team members, to who they can provide feedback.


As you can tell, this gives beta access to new YouTube Music features. There was a Google form that listed basic requirements for joining and queried interested parties on their music listening habits. But the program no longer accepts submissions, so we can't get in to see what else it offers.

Do you use YouTube Music regularly, and can it compare with Spotify and Apple Music? Please share your thoughts in the comments, and stay tuned to TechNave for more updates.