YouTube will soon allow users to set their own default video quality

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YouTube is spotted bringing a lot more new features to the platform recently due to the large migration of users from Google Play Music to YouTube Music. Today, someone has found out that the platform will soon allow users to set the video quality by default without the need of switching them manually every time.

As reported by Android Police, YouTube will soon give the users the option to set their own default video quality. Therefore, if you are in a bad Internet situation but still willing to stream high-quality video, the setting got you covered. Other than that, users can also set the default quality settings based on whether they are using data or WiFi to stream the video.

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Furthermore, YouTube is also trying to simplify the quality settings by getting rid of the numbers and replacing them with options including low (data saver), higher, or auto. It is said that it could help those who don't know the meaning of the numbers to adjust their video quality based on a more specific need such as to save data or to have the best experience streaming the video.

Let us know what you think about YouTube's initiative from this update on our Facebook page. Stay tuned to for more interesting app updates.