Your personal info appears on Google Search results? Here’s how you can have it removed

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Alphabet Inc., the parent company of tech giant Google recently announced that it will now entertain people’s requests to remove search results that contain personal information. These include phone numbers, address,  email accounts and more.

Previously, Google would only accept requests to remove webpages if it shared personal info alongside some sort of threat or required payment for removal. Thankfully, Google has now updated its removal policies globally. 


As reported by Reuters, the move was in response to growing demand from users and evolving norms about the threat posed by easy access to contact details. Michelle Chang, global policy lead for Google search commented that users are increasingly unwilling to tolerate such content online. 

He further elaborated that in weighing requests under the contact information policy, Google would aim to preserve availability of data in the interest of the public. These include information that "appears as part of the public record on the sites of government or official sources."


Moving forward, should you have your personal information listed inside Google Search results and want it removed, you can request to do so by going to this Google Support page. Scroll down to the middle and there would be an option to ‘Start removal request’.

Then, just fill in the necessary details on the personal information you want to remove as well as provide proof of identity to Google. After submission, it would typically take a few days to processes the request.


So, what do you guys think of this new updated policy by Google? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for the latest trending tech news such as this!