Your unread WhatsApp messages can now be read aloud by Siri


So here’s something fun for Apple owners, many may not know this due to old habits but users can use Siri to send text messages since September last year. Right now, Siri can be used to read unread messages too from your phone.

Photo 26-04-2017, 9 45 42 AM.png

Like always, users will have to say “Hey Siri” to activate it, then proceed to say “Read my last WhatsApp message.” This is certainly most useful when driving on the road, as well as a convenience for everyone to hear should they be lazy to read a whole chunk of messages. 

Apple owners must use iOS 10.3 to be able to use that feature, so if you haven’t already just do so. The new iOS is quite safe to upgrade as I haven’t encounter any weird bugs so far. Stay tuned for more Apple news at
