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News & Reviews:   alcohol

  • You can use disinfectant wipes on your Apple electronic devices

    You can use disinfectant wipes on your Apple electronic devices

    It seems that Apple has recently added a new section on their website which provides Apple users with information on how to properly clean, as well as disinfect their Apple electronic devices. Apple states that they recommend using either 70% isopropyl alcohol or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to wipe hard surface such as the screen, the glass back, as well as along the sides.

  • Instagram bans influencers from vaping and smoking

    Instagram bans influencers from vaping and smoking

    It seems like Facebook is trying to bring a more positive vibe to its photo-centric social media platform Instagram. Earlier, we’ve heard the platform is attempted to hide the likes of the posts, which is to promote the idea of focusing more on content rather than like counts. Now, it is trying to keep the social media platform clean by banning the influencers to promote vaping and smoking.

  • Apple removed up to 181 vaping apps on their Apple App Store

    Apple removed up to 181 vaping apps on their Apple App Store

    In light of the various reports on vape injuries and death in the United States, Apple recently removed around 181 vaping apps on their Apple App Store and will no longer approve such apps in the future based on their updated guidelines. Not only that, but it seems that the aforementioned guidelines also prohibits any apps that encourage the consumption of tobacco, illegal drugs, or even excessive amounts of alcohol as well.