News & Reviews: Apple iPhone 5C postpaid plan
Jan 03, 2014
Starting off the new year with a deal, Celcom are now offering the Apple iPhone 5C from a more affordable price of RM1888 for the basic 16GB version with, in their own words "no strings attached", which means zero contract. This offer is available from 2 January 2014 to 7 January 2014 but is exclusive to online sign ups only. The other Celcom offer involves the HTC Wildfire S, Nokia Lumia 520 and Sony Xperia U, where Celcom is offering these previous generation entry-level smartphones for FREE provided you sign up for a 12 month or 18 month contract. That deal ends on 31 January 2014. Check out the table and links in the article for more details.
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Nov 01, 2013
The Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C are finally fully available within Malaysia both on the Malaysian Apple Store as well as for most of the telcos in Malaysia. This includes Celcom, DiGi and Maxis for now. For a complete customizable comparison based on price, etc, check out our
For those looking to check out the individual telco Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C plans check out the Celcom, DiGi and Maxis telco plans in this article.
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Oct 31, 2013
Maxis is also announcing their Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C plans under their iValue plans which also include the iValue Simple plan. Unlike the other telcos, Maxis aren't offering that much in terms of monthly rebates but are instead offering the more standard free calls, sms and data quota. All subscribers get 10GB worth of Cloud Storage on Locker though. For more details, check out the table and links in this article.
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Oct 31, 2013
DiGi are also offering the Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C but this time aren't really reducing the price of the smartphone but giving more monthly rebates throughout the contract period. Unlike some other telcos, DiGi are offering the two Apple iPhone models under a single 24-month contract but this one has a bit more value where the monthly rebates are concerned. After subtracting the monthly rebates you can see some pretty good prices for both the Apple iPhone 5S and the Apple iPhone 5C. For more details check out the table and links in this article.
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Oct 31, 2013
Celcom are now offering the Apple iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C after their midnight launch under their Celcom First postpaid plans + mobile internet packages. Subscribers do get the choice to go for either a 12 month or 24 month contract but also have monthly rebates throughout the period of the contract. While the Apple Malaysia store already has the prices for the two Apple iPhones, the Celcom plans are offering the Apple iPhone 5S models at an estimated retail price RM50 lower than those on the Apple Malaysia store. The Celcom Apple iPhone 5C prices are only different for the 32GB iPhone 5C model with an RM40 reduction from the usual price. For more details, check out the table and links in this article.
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